Ace Engineering, Inc. is a national heavy civil engineering and general building construction company founded in 1987. We provide services for all branches of the military, federal entities, states, counties, and various cities. We are accustomed to fast-track projects, working closely with customers to understand their vision and deliver great projects.
Notable Projects
Fort Huachuca Predator LRE, U.S. Army, National Guard Bureau
March AFB SABER, U.S. Air Force
Eglin AFB SABER, U.S. Air Force
Vandenberg AFB SABER, U.S. Air Force
Arrow Missile Project, Point Mugu and San Nicolas Island, Naval Base Ventura County, U.S. Navy
Edwards AFB SABER, U.S. Air Force
Port Hueneme CA, Install Vehicle Barriers (Bollards), U.S. Navy
Port Hueneme CA, Install Vehicle Barriers, U.S. Navy
Point Mugu, Auto Hobby Shop, U.S. Navy
Port Hueneme, Completion of K-Span Buildings, U.S. Navy
China Lake CA, IDIQ MACC, U.S. Navy
Port Hueneme, NEX Warehouse Addition, U.S. Navy
Port Hueneme, Bldg. 1163, Repairs and Alteration, U.S. Navy/GPC A Joint Venture
Edwards AFB SABER, U.S. Air Force
Vandenberg AFB – Repair / Improve Titan Support Facility, Bldg. N0725, U.S. Air Force
Design & Construct Solid Rocket Motor Units Storage Building, U.S. Air Force
Car Wash Facility, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles County JOC 1125, Los Angeles County, Public Works
Los Angeles County JOC 1124, Los Angeles County, Public Works
Los Angeles County JOC 1123, Los Angeles County, Public Works
Los Angeles County JOC 1202, Los Angeles County, Public Works
Los Angeles County JOC 1201, Los Angeles County, Public Works
Cal Poly Pomona JOC 14, California State University
Cal State Fullerton JOC 24, California State University
Cal Poly Pomona JOC 13, California State University
Ventura County JOC 5608, Ventura County
LA County JOC 801, Los Angeles County, Public Works
LA County JOC 802, Los Angeles County, Public Works
LA County JOC 803, Los Angeles County, Public Works
ACTA On-Call Maintenance Services, Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
MLK Hospital, Hawkins Building 2nd Floor Psychiatric Unit Upgrade
Buena Park Metrolink Station, City of Buena Park
Kern County JOC Phase 5 (JOC 5), Kern County
On-Call Maintenance Service, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
On-Call Maintenance Service, Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
Big League Dreams, City of Chino Hills
Monrovia – Caltrans Foothill Maintenance Station, Caltrans
Fire Station #89 Training Facility, City of Los Angeles
McWilliams Campground Reconstruction, USDA Forest Service
Sage Creek Road, Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
17-Mile Road SATOC, Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Fort Rucker IDIQ Paving, U.S. Army
Port Hueneme IDIQ Paving, U.S. Navy, NAVFAC Southwest
Nellis AFB IDIQ Paving, U.S. Air Force
Ventura County Naval Base IDIQ Paving, U.S. Navy, NAVFAC Southwest
Fort Irwin IDIQ, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Ventura County Naval Base, IDIQ Paving, U.S. Navy
Vandenberg AFB IDIQ Paving, U.S. Air Force
Point Mugu CA, Relocate SNI Water Line, U.S. Navy
Naval Base Ventura County CA, IDIQ Paving, U.S. Navy
Lower Santa Ana River Channel Aesthetic Treatment and Erosion Control, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Norco Bluffs Hydroseeding POCA IDIQ, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Port Hueneme CA, Repair Quaywall, U.S. Navy
Las Vegas NV, R-4 Detention Basin & Channel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Vandenberg AFB IDIQ Paving, U.S. Air Force
High Desert, IDIQ Paving for military installations, U.S. Navy
Vandenberg AFB IDIQ Paving, U.S. Air Force
Naval Base Ventura County IDIQ Paving, U.S. Navy
Repair Slope and Drainage, U.S. Air Force
Prado Dam, Corona CA – State Route 71 Dike, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Port Hueneme CA – Relocation of Supsalv to CBC, U.S. Navy
Miscellaneous Paving in Various Areas, U.S. Navy
Riverside CA – Norco Bluffs Streambank Stabilization, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Kern, Inyo, & San Bernardino Counties CA -IDIQ High Desert Paving, U.S. Navy
Van Nuys CA – Sepulveda Flood Control Basin, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Transportation Infrastructure, Runway Overrun Improvements, U.S. Navy
Los Angeles AFB – Repair Pavement, U.S. Air Force
Vandenberg AFB IDIQ Paving, U.S. Air Force
FCC, U.S. Dept. of Justice Federal Bureau of Prison
Vandenberg AFB Repair / Slope, Surf Road, U.S. Air Force
Santa Ynez Park Reseal Site Pavement, Santa Ynez Peak & Repair El Camino Cielo Roads, U.S. Air Force
Point Mugu IDIQ Repair & Replace Roads, U.S. Navy
Vandenberg AFB Repair & Replace Golf Cart Paths & Construct Latrines, U.S. Air Force
Vandenberg AFB Repair & Overlay Roads, U.S. Air Force
Los Angeles AFB Repair Pavement, U.S. Air Force
Vandenberg AFB Repair & Overlay Roads, U.S. Air Force
Olive Street Storm Drain, Clark County
Central Freeway Channel Phase 2 Project, City of North Las Vegas
Symphony Park Phase 2A, City of Las Vegas
Civil Package 2A Roads and Storm Drain, KIA Motors
El Rio Forebay GCEP, Phase 2, Ventura County Public Works, Dept. of Water and Sanitation
El Rio Forebay GCEP, Phase 1, Ventura County Public Works, Dept. of Water and Sanitation
Civil Improvements Services, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA)
Farragut Avenue Extension, Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
Install Ramp Metering & Expand Park and Ride, Caltrans